Young voters not convinced by TOP policies at campaign launch

May 4, 2023

Young voters not convinced by TOP policies at campaign launch

The Opportunities Party Co-Deputy Leader Shai Navot speaking to supporters in Auckland Photo: Isaiah Abadingo

The Opportunities Party and its Auckland candidates launched its 2023 election campaign to a full house in Ponsonby.

The launch conveyed the party’s political ambition of gaining the 5% of votes needed to enter Parliament in this year’s general election.

The event also described each Auckland candidate’s background and for further support from attendees.

Sitting in the audience, young voter Kristanne Solodkova would’ve liked more clarity on the party’s policies. She said she felt confused how the party’s platform would benefit the country’s economy.

She singled out the party’s proposed tax-system change, their proposal for a Universal Basic Income, and housing market reforms.

“I still don’t really know how their policies will play out.

“They seemed to stress the importance of themselves reaching the 5% threshold for Parliament instead of explaining why I should vote for them,” she said.

Mt Albert resident Sharnae Cunningham agreed that she would have preferred less background information of the party’s candidates, and more information of their policies.

“If anything, the candidates’ background stories make me feel as if they don’t have my best interests in mind, nor do they see things from my eyes.”

She believes with the current cost-of-living crisis, the party’s proposal of higher taxes could be worrying to voters.

“I need to know why implementing a tax-system similar to Australia’s would work in New Zealand, when we’re two different countries” she said.

When contacted for further clarification of its policies none of the party’s Auckland candidates has yet responded.

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