Anti-choice organisation poses as pregnancy support service

May 10, 2023

Anti-choice organisation poses as pregnancy support service

Giana’s Choice poster outside “Christ the King” Church in Mount Roskill. Photo: Eva Gallot

A pregnancy support and advocacy organisation that targets “abortion vulnerable women” claims to support informed decisions despite openly opposing abortion.

Giana’s choice is a pregnancy support group that does not support abortion and denies referrals to abortion and contraceptives. However, provides “sexual integrity” and chastity education.

The organisation supports pregnant people up until they decide they want to terminate their pregnancy.

General Manager of Giana’s Choice, Rebecca Crowe claims their service provides a full spectrum of pregnancy-related information.

“We are a pro-life organisation, and we are here to be able to provide a balance I suppose, there's a lot of services available for women to be able to seek abortion if they wish.

“We don’t promote abortion.

“We tell them exactly what we offer, and it's up to them to accept our help or not.”

Despite agreeing healthcare and religion should be kept separate, Giana’s Choice had no comment when asked how they justify being a religious organisation informing medical decisions.

The Giana’s Choice website states that “No-one needs to feel trapped or pressured into an abortion.”

Comparatively, The Turnaway Study released in 2019 found that one week after the abortion, 97.5 per cent of women believed it was the right decision.  Five years later, the likelihood had risen to 99 per cent.

The pregnancy counseling service is run by Family Life International, a self-described “pro-life, pro-family" organisation that is dedicated to “defending life, faith, and family.”

Family Life international promotes anti-choice ideology such as the Spiritual  Adoption of an Unborn Child, as well as educating anti-choicers on how to avoid arrest while protesting at abortion clinics.

ALRANZ president Dr Tracy Morison said in a March press release, “Parliament passed the Safe Areas Bill because they saw the need for it. If there’s a need, and there definitely is, then the process for creating safe areas isn’t fit for purpose because not one safe area has been created to date.”

When the 2020 Abortion Legislation Act passed, Family Life International was at the forefront of counter-protests, most notably organising the ‘March for Life’ protest, aimed at stopping the legislation from passing.

Giana’s choice has been operating for almost 31 years. Named after a Catholic saint who refused to terminate a life-threatening pregnancy in 1962. She died a week after childbirth, becoming a martyr for the anti-choice cause.

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