Greenlane Neighbourhood Watch proposed to combat rise in crime

April 5, 2024

Greenlane Neighbourhood Watch proposed to combat rise in crime

Maungakiekie Avenue, the site of a recent home invasion. PHOTO: Brodie Hunter

Residents of Greenlane are setting up a neighbourhood watch group in response to a rise in criminal behaviour in the area.

Following home invasions, car and tool thefts and reports of trespassing residents are concerned not enough is being done to keep them safe.

In response, some community members have started plans to form a neighbourhood watch to patrol around Greenlane.

The main organiser of the group Nikki De La Rosa said that by forming this group they hope to bring down crime in the area.

“There had been a home invasion in Maungakiekie Avenue recently, car and tool thefts and reports of strangers trespassing on people’s property”.

De La Rosa also said that this group would not be set up to confront any criminals but to assist with police.

“The police can’t be our security guards, and they are already stretched too thin with resources as it is, so what we can do is be an effective communication network for them”.

While still in its organising stages, some residents already feel more comfortable knowing something is being done.

Greenlane resident Braydon McClure said he would feel safer knowing there are people out there watching over the community.

“I definitely feel a lot safer in my community with these guys out patrolling. It’s good to know we’ve got people out there keeping the community safe.”

Plans for the group are still being arranged, but there is hope that it will be fully organised and staffed soon so that they can start keeping their community safe.

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